
What is UKey?

UKey is a next-generation buy now, pay later payments platform that enables affordable and flexible payment experiences for all. ArtRack teamed up with UKey to present the app for the lowest possible one-time charge. UKey is only available in the USA. Support for other countries coming soon. Learn more.

App available for MacOS and Windows desktop users.

Operating System
MacOS version 11+
x86-64 (Intel)
MacOS version 13+
arm64 (Silicon)
Windows version 10+
x86-64 (Intel)

Note on app permissions

We are not able to purchase licenses from Apple or Microsoft at this time, so you may need to give permission to install ArtRack. Your operating system's security settings may block unsigned apps from running. On MacOS you can grant permission to install ArtRack by selecting general settings under the security and privacy link in your system preferences.

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