
Made by artists for artists

ArtRack is an affordable and utilitarian inventory management system.

ArtRack is an affordable and utilitarian inventory management system (CMS) made by artists for artists. Disrupting a market overwhelmed by subscription fees, data harvesting, and the false promise of the freemium model, ArtRack has partnered with UKey to offer artists a low-cost alternative.

New York based artist and musician Ted Riederer asked a simple question, “Why can’t tech be used to help artists rather than profit from them.” He teamed up with the Boston technologist and musician Chip Trowbridge, and the Mexico City based artist and designer Diego Aguirre Fernandez to produce an affordable and utilitarian image based inventory management system.

ArtRack’s goal is simple: to help fellow artists organize and manage their work simply and effectively. ArtRack is designed to be used locally for artists who can’t afford additional subscription, cloud storage fees, and even extra internet charges. With studio rents on the rise and the high cost of subscription based applications like Adobe Suite artist simply can’t afford any additional costs. With a one-time fee of $3 users can download ArtRack to their computers and quickly begin organizing their work.

I see ArtRack as a community-based art action providing my fellow artists with a cheap no nonsense application that we all need but can’t afford.

Ted Riederer

This version of ArtRack is just the beginning. As the platform develops ArtRack will expand to help DJs, Poets, and anyone who needs to organize their creative collections. ArtRack is commited to become a platform in support of a community of creatives who not only value their work, but the work of their fellow creators.

© ArtRack. 2023.